Over 20 Years of Experience

Daly City CA Tax Preparation & Filing

Our Enrolled Agents provide personal and business tax preparation and
electronic filing service. Call 415-342-3160

In business since 2006, Gelardi Tax Service in Daly City, CA has over two decades experience serving the San Francisco Bay Area with personal and business tax services. Our Enrolled Agents represent taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service. Services include preparing and filing documents, communicating with the IRS, and representing clients at meetings. We receive ongoing education to make sure we stay up to date with the frequently changing tax laws.

Tax Services Include:


Personal Tax Preparation & E-Filing


Business Tax Preparation & E-Filing


Tax Accounting


Federal & State Taxes


Delinquent or Non-Filed Returns


Trust & Estate Taxes


Payroll Taxes


Electronic Filing

Our tax accountants at Gelardi Tax Service serve the Bay Area with tax advice, preparation, and planning services all year round. We prepare taxes of all types for all entities. Our goal is to provide accurate and timely tax returns.

Is it that time of year to file your tax return? Have you been audited by the IRS? At Gelardi Tax Service in Daly City, CA, we are ready to handle all of your personal and corporate tax needs. Depend on our experts to get you the most out of your tax return. Whether you need local or federal tax preparation, call 415-342-3160 today.

Contact Gelardi Tax Service in Daly City CA today.